Yuemei Zhang was born in Shanghai and studied printmaking and fine art for her undergraduate and graduate study at Central Fine Art Academy, Beijing China. She moved to the US in 1989. She taught printmaking and fine art at colleges and universities for over twenty years. She shares her artist thoughts and expertise in woodcut, etching, painting, and many other methods. Currently she lives in Avon CT USA. Her artworks have been collected by museums, galleries and private collectors in the US, China, Canada and Germany.
She is a member of the printmakers Network of South New England, The Boston Printmakers and The Society of American Graphic Artists
(SAGA). Zhang’s unique artworks reflect her passion for Eastern Art. Zhang’s artworks have been show in solo shows and group art events and in shows around the world. She is the recipient of many awards in both US and China. Most recently, Zhang showed her 19 intaglio artworks and 2 installations with video at “Crossing and Transportation - American Contemporary Print Exhibition” at Museum of Fine Art at GuangZhou Fine Art Academy in China in April, 2019. Two of her intaglio artworks were collected by the Museum of fine art at GZFAA.
Dave Drury, journalist for the Hartford Courant writes, “Zhang’s …artist roots remain firmly planted in her native China,” highlighting Zhang’s strong intertwining of her eastern roots with her artistic western printmaking techniques.
Statement: During my time at the Central Fine Arts Academy in Beijing, China in the 80s, I was introduced to the idea of “Creating Art for and of People”. Travelling to many places within my home country with sketchbook in hand, I was able to capture moments of life and feeling from the people, landscapes, and towns in China. Through my work I expressed my thoughts, memories, and feelings on the nature. Many of my artworks created during that era include “Native Women”, “Country Yard”, and “Dusk”.
China changed dramatically in the late 80s and 90s, with cities, highways, skyscrapers, and a new business-oriented mindset breaking the quietness of rural village life. To reflect these change examples of my work included “Beijing Cube” silkscreen and “Window I” etching as I perceived the dawn of a new era.
After having moved to the United States in 90s, the memories and ideas of natural figures and village life remain with me. I found myself reflecting my memories through the images in my artwork, such as in “My Hometown”, “Teahouse”, and “Mountain Mist”. In the meantime, western culture life inspired to me daily, I traveled many place in US and around world. My ink drawing with Etching and chine colle artworks ‘’Across the sea” reflect my thinking and searching.
My most recent works “Crossing I, II, III…” is inspired by my life experience from Beijing China to Avon US. I used the Hawk, Phoenix and Crane image fly out from Center Gate or Cave with freehand Board brush strokes in the background, to express the power of life. The balance between eastern and western life have been strong indicated through my art.
I utilize many diverse and varied methods in making my art, including Etching, Woodcut, Silk Screen, Mixed Medium and Painting. I often use focus points such as gates, aisles, and windows to show distance through perspective, inviting the viewer into a space of speculation, making every piece a journey through my thoughts. Practicing my art allows me to acknowledge and impact my cultural roots and people by showing the peace and natural of life that we all enjoy. Recognizing these deep roots in my cultural identity and our desires for beauty, I am inspired to create more artwork.
Contact: yuemei38@gmail.com